Environment Per Camera
Version 4.1
Full user guide


Installing and configuring EPC plugin


Camera Switcher


Image size & Camera settings


Batch Render


Corona Sun for each camera


HDRI for each camera


Corona Sky for each camera


Linking Corona Sun + HDRI


Linking Corona Sun + Corona Sky


Environment Overrides




Excluding Objects




Viewport preview


LightMix Editor


EPC Converter




Useful tips

Installing and configuring the plugin

How to install EPC

How to create buttons for quick access to EPC panels

How to create EPC hotkeys

How to use EPC settings

Camera Switcher

How to use Camera Switcher

How to dock Camera Switcher panel to the screen

How to add EPC to all cameras

Switching between cameras

How to create a new view in 1 click

How to rename a camera in 1 click

How to use colored labels

Image size & camera settings

How to change image resolution and camera settings

How to set the image size for each camera

How to change view proportions

How to set the largest side for all cameras

How to set the current image resolution for all cameras

How to use image size Presets

How to change FOV, Focal I., ISO, F-Stop, Shutter speed, DOF, Vertical tilt and Clipping

How to align the camera and its target along the axes

How to rotate and reverse camera view

Batch Render

How to create a Batch Render queue in 1 click

How to set folder and file type for all cameras

How to add a camera to the Batch Render queue Method 1
Method 2

How to add a group of cameras of the same color to the Batch Render queue

How to add all cameras to the Batch Render queue Method 1
Method 2

Corona Sun

How to use Corona Sun for each camera

How to set Corona Sun for each camera

How to select Corona Sun and its target in a scene

How to set common LightMix channel for all Corona Sun


How to set HDRI for each camera

How to add HDRI maps to EPC

How to set HDRI map for each camera

Corona Sky

How to set Corona Sky and clouds for each camera

How to add Corona Sky maps to EPC

How to set a Corona Sky map for each camera

Linking Corona Sun + HDRI

How to link Corona Sun to an HDRI map in 1 click

Linking Corona Sun + Corona Sky

How to link Corona Sun with Corona Sky map in 1 click

Environment Overrides

How to set Environment Overrides for each camera

How to add Environment Overrides maps to EPC

How to set the Environment Overrides map for each camera


How to set Lights for each camera

How to choose Lights for each camera

How to turn on/off Lights for each camera

Exclude Objects

How to exclude objects by the list for each camera

How to select objects to exclude from the camera

How to exclude objects for each camera


How to set an animation frame for each camera

Viewport previews

How to generate viewport previews from all cameras in 1 click

LightMix Editor

How to quckly manage LightMix channels

How to add Lights to the LightMix channel

How to remove Lights from LightMix channels

How to clear LightMix channels from <deleted> lines

How to create a new LightMix channel

How to rename a LightMix channel

How to delete a LightMix channel

EPC Converter

How to prepare a scene with EPC for a render farm or transfer to colleagues in 1 click

Problem solving

HDRI and Corona Sky Map do not change when switching cameras

How to fix 3DS Max interface and menu slowdown

After starting Batch Render, the status of the position in the queue becomes «Failed» and the render stops

How to install EPC after reinstalling Windows or 3DS Max

Useful tips

How to ensure flawless EPC performance

Hidden capabilities of EPC
Contact me
Andrei Haiko
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© HAIKO VISUAL • Andrei Haiko • 2017-2024