Camera Switcher04
Image size & Camera settings- Changing image resolution and camera settings Video
- Setting the image size
- Changing aspect ratio
- Set the largest side for all cameras in 1 click
- Set the current frame resolution for all cameras in 1 click
- Using image size presets
- Adjusting FOV, Focal I., ISO and F-Stop
- Setting Shutter speed, DOF, Vertical tilt and Clipping
- Aligning the camera and its target along the axes in 1 click
- Rotating and reversing the camera
Batch Render06
Corona Sun for each camera07
HDRI for each camera08
Corona Sky for each camera11
Environment Overrides12
Excluding Objects16
LightMix Editor- Quickly managing LightMix channels Video
- Adding Lights to the LightMix channel in 1 click
- Removing Lights from LightMix channels in 1 click
- Clearing LightMix channels from Lights deleted in the scene in 1 click
- Creating new LightMix channels
- Renaming LightMix channels in 1 click
- Deleting LightMix channels in 1 click
EPC Converter18
TroubleshootingInstalling and configuring the plugin
- Temporarily disable Windows Firewall or other application blocking Internet access on your computer, as well as VPN services and programs (you can enable them again after installing EPC)
- Run 3DS Max as Administrator
- Go to the 3DS Max Scripting ► Run Script menu and select the plugin mzp-file
- Paste your personal serial number
- Click the Install button
- Remove all other scripts and plugins that control cameras and their settings
How to create buttons for quick access to EPC panels
- Go to the 3DS Max menu Customize ► Customize User Interface
- Go to the Toolbars tab
- Create a new toolbar and name it EPC
- Drag the created panel up to an empty space in the 3DS Max toolbar
- Find category HAIKO VISUAL
- Drag Open EPC Camera Switcher, Open EPC LightMix Editor and Open EPC Converter one by one onto the new panel to create buttons
How to create EPC hotkeys
- Go to 3DS Max menu Customize ► Hotkey Editor
- Click on any line in the list and type «Open» on your keyboard
- Scroll down the list and click on the line Open EPC Camera Switcher
- Click Press key... in the field and press the desired key (for example / on a numeric keypad) and press Assign
- Find the line below in the list Open EPC LightMix Editor
- Click Press key... in the field and press the desired key (for example * on a numeric keypad) and press Assign
- Click Done
How to use EPC settings
- Click the EPC Switcher button on the EPC toolbar (or your designated keyboard key) to open the EPC Camera Switcher panel
- Click on the button with the gear icon
- In the Camera Buttons block, set the maximum number of cameras that you previously had in your projects
- The lower the value, the faster the contents of the Camera Switcher panel will be updated
- Do not specify high values if your projects do not plan to have such a large number of cameras
- If you open a scene with a number of cameras exceeding the value in the settings, the new maximum value will be set automatically (3DS Max will need to be restarted)
- Go to the 3DS Max Start-up block
- Tick the checkbox if you want the Camera Switcher panel to automatically open and snap to the left edge of the screen when you launch 3DS Max (recommended)
- After making changes, click OK and restart 3DS Max
Camera Switcher
How to dock Camera Switcher panel to the screen
- Click the EPC Switcher button on the EPC toolbar (or your designated keyboard key) to open the EPC Camera Switcher panel
- Drag the panel by its title to the left edge of the screen to dock it
- To create a Camera Switcher tab next to other opened 3DS Max panels (such as Layers) – drag the Camera Switcher panel by its title inside another opened 3DS Max panel
How to add EPC to all cameras
- Go to the EPC Camera Switcher panel
- Grey NO EPC label means that EPC does not yet control cameras in the scene
- Click Add EPC to all Cameras – all NO EPC labels will be replaced with current view resolution numbers
Switching between cameras
- To switch to the camera view, click on the button with the name of the desired camera
- Use the ▲ and ▼ arrow buttons at the top of the panel to move between views up or down in the list
- Click the Target button to select the camera target
- Click the All button to select the camera and its target together
How to create a new view in 1 click
- Hold Shift on the keyboard and click on the button with the name of the desired camera
- A new camera will be created with the changed name of the previous camera and the same EPC settings
How to rename a camera in 1 click
- Hold Ctrl on your keyboard and click on the button with the name of the desired camera
- Enter a new name for the camera and click Rename
How to use colored labels
- Colored labels to the left of the camera buttons make it much easier to navigate the Camera Switcher if your scene has a lot of rooms and cameras
- One color is automatically assigned to one group of cameras with similar names
- We strongly do not recommend using standard automatic camera names such as CoronaCamera001, CoronaCamera002 – it is better to name the cameras Kitchen_001, Kitchen_002 and Living room_001, Living room_002, etc. This will allow you to visually separate groups of cameras by color, as well as send only cameras of the same color to Batch Render in 1 click (see section Batch Render in this guide below)
Image size & camera settings
How to set the image size for each camera
- Click on the button with the desired camera in the Camera Switcher panel
- Go to the Image Size & Camera section
- Use the W and H fields to set the desired width and height of the image
- Use the Lock button to make the W and H fields dependent on each other
- Use the /2 and x2 buttons to make the image size 2 times smaller or larger
- Press any of these buttons while holding Shift to apply changes to all cameras at once
How to change view proportions
- Use the FF (Free Frame) button to change the image width W without changing the location of objects in the view
- Click Swap to swap the values of the W and H fields
- Click Square to make the W and H fields the same (square frame)
- Press any of the 16:9, 2:1, 4:3, 3:2 and 5:4 buttons to apply standard aspect ratio
- Press any of the buttons while holding Shift to apply this to all cameras
How to set the largest side for all cameras
- Click Set largest side for all EPC in any camera
- The largest value from the W and H fields will be applied to the largest side for each camera, while maintaining the image's aspect ratio
How to set the current image resolution for all cameras
- Click Apply to all EPC in any camera
- Values from the W and H fields will apply to all cameras
How to use image size Presets
- Go to the Resolution Presets block
- Click Add to add the current image resolution as a preset
- After adding presets, you can select the desired preset from the list <Select Preset>
- All saved presets will be available in any scene with EPC
- Click Delete to remove the selected preset from the list
How to change FOV, Focal I., ISO, F-Stop, Shutter speed, DOF, Vertical tilt and Clipping
- Adjust the Field Of View value to change the FOV
- Adjust the value in the Focal l. field to change the Focal length
- Adjust the value in the ISO field to change the ISO
- Adjust the value in the F-Stop field to change the F-Stop
- Adjust the value in the Shutter speed field to change the Shutter speed
- Turn on the checkbox to the left of DOF to enable Depth Of Field
- Turn on the checkbox to the left of Automatic vertical tilt to enable Automatic vertical tilt
- Adjust the value in the Shift field to change the Automatic vertical tilt
- Turn on the checkbox to the left of Near Clip to change camera clipping values
How to align the camera and its target along the axes
- Click Align X to align the current camera and its target along the X axis
- Click Align Y to align the current camera and its target along the Y axis
- Click Align Z to align the current camera and its target along the Z axis
How to rotate and reverse camera view
- Press ◄ to rotate the camera view 45° counterclockwise in the Z axis
- Press ► to rotate the camera view 45° clockwise in the Z axis
- Press Reverse to reverse the camera view in 1 click
Batch Render
How to set folder and file type for all cameras
- Click any camera button in the Camera Switcher panel
- Go to the Batch Render section
- Click Select in the Batch Render output path block
- Select a folder to save Batch Render files (never use cyrillic names!)
- Select a file type (do not specify a file name at all!) and click OK
- Now the name of the final folder for saving files is displayed on the button
- Hover over the button to see the full path for saving the files
- Click Clear if you need to remove the previously specified path for saving files
How to add a camera to the Batch Render queue Method 1
- Go to the Camera Switcher panel
- Click on [B] to the left of a camera to send only that camera to the Batch Render queue
Method 2
- Go to the Send to Batch Render block of the EPC
- Click This EPC to add the current camera to the Batch Render queue
How to add a group of cameras of the same color to the Batch Render queue
- Go to the Сamera Switcher panel
- Hold Shift and click on [B] to the left of the camera of the desired color
- The entire group of cameras of this color will be sent to the Batch Render queue
How to add all cameras to the Batch Render queue Method 1
- Go to the Camera Switcher panel
- Click All EPC to Batch Render at the bottom of the panel
Method 2
- Go to the Send to Batch Render block of the plugin
- Click All EPC to add all cameras to the Batch Render queue
- Click Clear Batch list to clear the Batch Render queue if necessary
Corona Sun
How to set Corona Sun for each camera
- Click the desired camera button in the Camera Switcher panel
- Go to the Corona Sun section
- Select the desired Corona Sun from the Corona Sun for this Camera list
- To select several Corona Suns at once, hold down Ctrl on your keyboard and select several Corona Suns from the list
- Adjust the intensity and size of Corona Sun in the Sun Parameters section
How to select Corona Sun and its target in a scene
- Select the desired Corona Sun from the list
- Click Select Sun to select the sun in the scene
- Click Select Target to select the sun's target in the scene
- Click Select both to select the sun and its target in the scene
How to set common LightMix channel for all Corona Sun
- Go to the Sun LightMix Channel block
- Select the LightMix channel to be used for all Corona Suns in the scene from the channel drop-down list
- All existing Corona Suns in the scene, as well as all Corona Suns that will be created in the scene, will be automatically added to this LightMix channel
How to add HDRI maps to EPC
- Go to the Corona Sky & HDRI Map section
- Click Add HDRI tab in MEditor to create a new «HDRI» tab in the Material Editor
- Open the Slate Material Editor (do not use the compact material editor!)
- Go to the «HDRI» tab in the material editor
- Upload HDRI files via CoronaBitmap (regular Bitmaps are not supported – use Corona Converter to convert Bitmaps to CoronaBitmap)
- Add a Color Correction or CoronaColorCorrect map to each CoronaBitmap if necessary
- All new maps will appear in the Environment for this Camera list automatically
- Click the Refresh List button to manually refresh the list of maps in the list
How to set HDRI map for each camera
- Click any camera button in the Camera Switcher panel
- Go to the Corona Sky & HDRI section
- Select the desired HDRI map from the list in the Environment for this Camera block
- Set the desired HDRI map rotation in the Rotate (degrees) block
- Repeat selecting an HDRI map from the list for other cameras
- The specified HDRI maps (and their rotation) will change automatically when switching cameras
Corona Sky
How to add Corona Sky maps to EPC
- Go to the Corona Sky & HDRI Map section
- Click Add HDRI tab in MEditor (if you have not done it already) to create a new «HDRI» tab in the Material Editor
- Open the Slate Material Editor (do not use the compact material editor!)
- Go to the «HDRI» tab in the material editor
- Add Corona Sky maps and configure clouds if necessary
- Add a Color Correction or CoronaColorCorrect map to each Corona Sky map if necessary
- All added maps will appear in the Environment for this Camera list automatically
- Click the Refresh List button to manually refresh the list of maps in the list
How to set a Corona Sky map for each camera
- Click any camera button in the Camera Switcher panel
- Go to the Corona Sky & HDRI section
- Select the desired CoronaSky map from the list in the Environment for this Camera block
- Repeat Corona Sky map selection for other cameras
- The specified Corona Sky maps will change automatically when you switch cameras
Linking Corona Sun + HDRI
- Select Corona Sun from the list
- Select HDRI map from the list
- Go to the Link to Corona Sky & HDRI block
- Click Link
- The direction of the Corona Sun in the scene will change automatically to match the location of the sunspot in the HDRI map
- Linked Corona Sun will automatically rotate as you rotate the HDRI map
- A linked Corona Sun will automatically change its position when you select another HDRI card
- Go to the Position Correction block to change the angles of the Corona Sun, as well as the distance between the Corona Sun and its target for more precise adjustments
Linking Corona Sun + Corona Sky
- Select Corona Sun from the list
- Select Corona Sky map from the list
- Go to the Link to Corona Sky & HDRI block
- Click Link
- Corona Sun's position in the scene will now affect the color of the sky and clouds
Environment Overrides
How to add Environment Overrides maps to EPC
- Go to the desired Override section in the plugin - Override (Direct Visibility), Override (Reflection) or Override (Refraction)
- Click Add DIRECT tab in MEditor, Add RFLCT tab in MEditor or Add RFRCT tab in MEditor to create new tab for the desired Override in the material editor
- Open the Slate Material Editor (do not use the compact material editor!)
- Go to the DIRECT, REFLECT or REFRACT tab in the material editor
- Upload HDRI files via CoronaBitmap (regular Bitmaps are not supported – use Corona Converter to convert Bitmaps to CoronaBitmap)
- Add a Color Correction or CoronaColorCorrect map to each CoronaBitmap if necessary
- All added maps will appear in the Override list automatically
- Click the Refresh List button to manually refresh the list of maps
How to set the Environment Overrides map for each camera
- Click any camera button in the Camera Switcher panel
- Go to the desired Override section
- Select the desired HDRI map from the list in the block of the desired Override
- Set the desired HDRI map rotation in the Rotate (degrees) block
- Repeat selecting a map from the list for other cameras
- The specified maps of the desired Overrides (and their rotation) will change automatically when switching cameras
How to choose Lights for each camera
- Click any camera button in the Camera Switcher panel
- Open the Lights section
- Click + in the Lights for this Camera block to manually add Lights from the scene
- Click Select from list to add Lights by the list
How to turn on/off Lights for each camera
- Go to the Only these Lights will be turned block
- Select On to turn ON only the Lights from the list for the current camera
- Select Off to turn OFF the Lights from the list for the current camera
Exclude Objects
How to select objects to exclude from the camera
- Click the desired camera button in the Camera Switcher panel
- Open the Exclude Objects section
- Click + in the Objects for this Camera block to manually choose objects from the scene
- Click Select from list to add objects by the list
How to exclude objects for each camera
- Go to the Only these Objects will be turned block
- Select On so that only objects from the list are visible to the current camera
- Select Off to exclude objects from the list for the current camera
- Click any camera button in the Camera Switcher panel
- Open the Time Slider section
- Specify the desired animation frame for the current camera in the Frame for this Camera section
- Uncheck Enable if you want this camera not to change the animation frame
- Attention! Do not use animation keys to switch Corona Sun, Corona Sky and HDRI maps. Use the timeline only for moving objects and other changes that support animation
Viewport previews
- Click any camera button in the Camera Switcher panel
- Open the Viewport Previews section
- Click Full Viewport to set the image saving folder and create a full viewport preview (as png) from all cameras
- Click Geometry only to set the image saving folder and create a viewport preview (like png) without lights, cameras and splines from all cameras
LightMix Editor
How to add Lights to the LightMix channel
- Open the EPC LightMix Editor panel
- Select the desired Lights in the scene
- Click on the button with the name of the desired LightMix channel to add selected Lights to this channel
- The number of Lights added to the LightMix channel will be indicated in the LightMix Status block
How to remove Lights from LightMix channels
- Open the EPC LightMix Editor panel
- Select the desired Lights in the scene
- Click Remove
- The number of removed Lights from the LightMix channels will be indicated in the LightMix Status block
How to clear LightMix channels from <deleted> lines
- Open the EPC LightMix Editor panel
- Click Clear
- The number of removed <deleted> lines from the LightMix channels will be indicated in the LightMix Status block
How to create a new LightMix channel
- Open the EPC LightMix Editor panel
- Hold Shift on your keyboard and press any LightMix channel button
- Enter the name of the new channel and click Create
How to rename a LightMix channel
- Open the EPC LightMix Editor panel
- Hold Ctrl on your keyboard and click the button for the desired LightMix channel
- Enter a new channel name and click Rename
How to delete a LightMix channel
- Open the EPC LightMix Editor panel
- Hold Alt on your keyboard and click the button for the desired LightMix channel
- Click Delete
EPC Converter
- Open the EPC Converter panel
- Carefully read the conversion process indicated in the EPC Converter panel
- Check the I've understood checkbox if you understand how EPC Converter works (the result of EPC Converter cannot be undone)
- Click Convert
- As a result of running EPC Converter all EPC settings will be converted into Scene States and Render Presets, the Batch Render queue from all cameras will be automatically filled (with Scene States and Render Presets registered in it), EPC will be deleted from all cameras, after which a window will open to save the converted scene under a new name
- After saving the converted scene, you can send it along with the EPC_Render_Presets folder (located in the project folder) to the render-farm or colleagues, even if they do not have EPC installed
- Attention! To use Render Presets files, the recipient's version of 3DS Max must match your version of 3DS Max in which the converted scene was created
- If you've read this far, tell your colleague that it's time to stop wasting his life on unnecessary manual switching of Scene States and Render Presets for each camera and thanks to you, he will be able to get his own EPC version at the same price as you (regardless of whether he is a student of any school)
Problem solving
- This situation occurs if you manually duplicated the camera in the scene or because of an incorrect Pivot position of the camera
- The first step of the solution is not to allow 2 cameras to have the same coordinates (camera and target) – or create new angles only using the EPC Camera Switcher (hold Shift on the keyboard and press the button of the desired camera)
- The second step of the solution is to click the camera button in the EPC Camera Switcher and click Center Camera Pivot in the Camera Align block of each camera. Then align the camera orientation using the axis alignment buttons if necessary
How to fix 3DS Max interface and menu slowdown
- Remove all other scripts and plugins that control cameras and their settings
- Disable all antivirus services in 3DS Max that are constantly running in real time (see Prune Scene and 3DS Max Scene Security Tools settings)
- Always run 3DS Max as Administrator (enable this checkbox in the 3DS Max desktop shortcut settings)
- Reduce the maximum number of cameras in the EPC settings if you do not use that many cameras in your projects
After starting Batch Render, the status of the position in the queue becomes «Failed» and the render stops
- This problem may appear due to the way 3DS Max works with cyrillic paths names for files and render elements
- Clear all file paths for each render element in the render settings
- Disable the «Save File» checkbox in the render settings
- Do not use cyrillic naming when choosing a folder to save Batch Render files and when creating names for cameras
- Remember that the letters «С» and «C» (as well as many other letters) look the same in both Russian and English
- Set new folder names for saving Batch Render files and names for cameras exclusively in the English
- Set new names for LightMix channels exclusively in English
How to install EPC after reinstalling Windows or 3DS Max
- After reinstalling Windows or 3DS Max, your EPC serial number becomes inactive
- Contact me immediately for a new serial number
Useful tips
- Set the screen scale in the system to 100% to avoid possible distortion in the EPC interface (right click on the desktop ► Screen settings ► Scale and layout)
- Always run 3DS Max as Administrator to ensure full EPC functionality works (enable this checkbox in the 3DS Max desktop shortcut settings)
- Start working with EPC only in a new scene, as well as in the latest version of 3DS Max and Corona Render, because old scenes created in previous versions of 3DS Max and Corona Render may not support all of the new EPC features
- Remove all other scripts and plugins that control cameras and their settings
- Disable all antivirus services in 3DS Max that are constantly running in real time (see Prune Scene and 3DS Max Scene Security Tools settings)
- Check the maximum number of cameras setting periodically to avoid wasting system resources
- Do not use cyrillic naming when choosing a folder to save Batch Render files and camera names
Hidden capabilities of EPC
- New view in 1 click - hold down Shift on the keyboard and click on the button with the name of the desired camera
- Rename a camera - hold down Ctrl on your keyboard and click on the button with the name of the desired camera
- Delete camera - hold Alt on the keyboard and click on the button with the name of the desired camera
- Apply changes to all cameras in 1 click - hold down Shift on the keyboard and click on any of the Lock, /2 and buttons >x2, Swap, 16:9, 2:1, 4:3, 3:2and 5:4
- Use multiple suns for one camera - hold down Ctrl on your keyboard and click on the desired suns in the plugin list
- Visually organize camera buttons by room - give the cameras in each room the correct names (for example Kitchen-001, Kitchen-002 and Living room-001, Living Room-002, etc.) to visually separate these groups of buttons with automatic color labels in the Camera Switcher
- Send a group of cameras of the same color to the Batch Render queue - hold Shift on the keyboard and click on [B] to the left of the button for any camera of the desired color
- Create a new LightMix channel in 1 click - hold down Shift on the keyboard and click on the button of any channel in the quick LightMix editor
- Rename a LightMix channel in 1 click - hold down Ctrl on your keyboard and click on the button for the desired channel in the quick LightMix editor
- Delete a LightMix channel in 1 click - hold Alt on your keyboard and click on the button for the desired channel in the quick LightMix editor
Contact me
Andrei Haiko
© HAIKO VISUAL • Andrei Haiko • 2017-2025